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Cloth Diapers: not as hard as I thought, atleast for now.

For a newborn, it's quite easy.  The only thing extra we are doing is a load of laundry a night to keep his pre-folds clean and available.  But I will say, I LOVE THEM!  When Jargo was born we started him on Grovia biodiapers (because we were nervous to start the cloth).  We didn't anticipate how quickly we would go through the box of diapers so we ordered more and when we didn't get them in time we went to a back-stock of Huggies that we received as a gift.  I'm not lying when I say we had to take Jargo to the doctor for a yeast diaper rash 2 days later.  Ever since that, we've been using the cloth diapers everyday and the biodiapers when traveling and we haven't had a diaper rash since!  I will always use cloth!
*we use thirsties diaper covers that we got off of Babyearth.
*hemp pre-folds and snappi's that we got from Park n' Vine in Cincinnati.

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